list of little angels
list of little angels and the ones who need justice
Kelsey Briggs(justice)
Caylee Anthony(justice)
Jonbenet Ramsey (Justice)
Judith barsi-
Amber hagerman(Justice)
Zahra Baker(Justice)
Juliette Geurts(Justice)
Haylee Mazzella
somer Thompson(Justice)
Riley Ann Sawyers(Justice)
HaLeigh Cummings(missing/Justice)
Ava Rosemeyer
Sandra cantu
Child Loaned
"I'll lend you for a little time
A child of Mine." He said.
"For you to love the while he lives
And mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven year
Or twenty-two or three
But will you, till I call him back
Take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you
And should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay
Since all from Earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there
I want the child to learn.
I've looked this wide world over
In my search for teacher's true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you;
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labour vain
Nor hate Me when I come to call
And take him back again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, They will be done,
For all the joy Thy child shall bring,
For the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him
Much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand."
Little eyelids cease your winking;
Little orbs, forget to beam;
Little soul, to slumber sinking,
Let angels rule your dream.
--Eugene Field
Untitled Hymn (Come To Jesus) Lyrics
Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
O, raise your head, for love is passing by
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live!
Now your burden's lifted
And carried far away
And precious blood has washed away the stain, so
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus and live!
And like a newborn baby
Don't be afraid to crawl
And remember when you walk
Sometimes we
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus and live!
Sometimes the way is lonely
And steep and filled with pain
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain, then
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus and live!
O, and when the love spills over
And music fills the night
And when you can't contain your joy inside, then
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus and live!
And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side, and
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live!
Lyrics to I'll See You Again :
Always you will be part of me
And I will forever feel your strength
When I need it most
You’re gone now, gone but not forgotten
I can’t say this to your face
But I know you hear
I’ll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I’ll see you again
When I’m lost, when I’m missing you like crazy
I tell myself I’m so blessed
To have had you in my life, my life
When I had the time to tell you
Never thought I’d live to see the day
When the words I should have said
Would come to haunt me
In my darkest hour I tell myself
I’ll see you again
Chorus x 2
I will see you again
I’ll see you again
I miss you like crazy
You’re gone but not forgotten
I’ll never forget you
Someday I’ll see you again
I feel you walk beside me
Never leave you, yeah
Gone but not forgotten
I feel you by my side
No this is not goodbye x 3
Always you will be part of me
And I will forever feel your strength
When I need it most
You’re gone now, gone but not forgotten
I can’t say this to your face
But I know you hear
I’ll see you again
You never really left
I feel you walk beside me
I know I’ll see you again
When I’m lost, when I’m missing you like crazy
I tell myself I’m so blessed
To have had you in my life, my life
When I had the time to tell you
Never thought I’d live to see the day
When the words I should have said
Would come to haunt me
In my darkest hour I tell myself
I’ll see you again
Chorus x 2
I will see you again
I’ll see you again
I miss you like crazy
You’re gone but not forgotten
I’ll never forget you
Someday I’ll see you again
I feel you walk beside me
Never leave you, yeah
Gone but not forgotten
I feel you by my side
No this is not goodbye x 3
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Friday, 21 January 2011
Kelsey Smith-Briggs

Kelsey Shelton Smith-Briggs (28 December 2002 - 11 October 2005) is a child abuse victim. She died at the home of her biological mother Raye Dawn Smith, and her stepfather Michael Lee Porter. Her death was ruled a homicide.[1] Kelsey had been "closely" observed by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services[2] from January 2005 up to and including the day of her death.[3][4]
Kelsey parents were divorce.
She lived with her mother, and maintained contact with her paternal family. The first two years of her life were uneventful. Before January 2005, no signs of abuse were reported to authorities, nor noticed by family members nor Kelsey's day care staff.
KELSEY was a sweet,happy,polite,sweet and enegetic little girl who was loved dearly by her mummy and daddy and the rest of her family
sadley her life was taken to soon by a man named Michael Lee Porter.Her mother did not know about Kelseys abuse or what her husband micheal porter was doing to kelsey..
From January 2005 to the end of her life, Kelsey had suffered several documented and confirmed incidences of child abuse. Her injuries included a broken collarbone, broken legs, and multiple bruises and abrasions on her face and body.
Kelsey Shelton Smith-Briggs died on October 11, 2005 at the home of her mother, Raye Dawn Smith, and her stepfather, Michael Lee Porter in Meeker, Oklahoma. Her death was ruled a homicide from blunt force trauma to the abdomen.
The story of Kelsey Smith-Briggs is both sad and intriguing. This little girl's image has been seen worldwide as the face of child abuse, yet her true story has been silenced. Although many claim to know all the facts, they've been distorted to validate the actions of a vindictive family who only sought revenge on Kelsey's mom. The man who sexually assaulted and murdered Kelsey was given a plea, at the request of Kelsey's father, for enabling child abuse and a term of 30 years. This man has been hidden in the system for his protection while Kelsey's paternal family focused on incarcerating Kelsey's mom. Kelsey's image has been used to promote child abuse awareness, but what has been the true motive? Why befriend a man who sexually assaulted and murdered a member of your family and seek revenge against the one person who fought to protect her.
Kelsey Smith-Briggs - a child, not a purpose.
elsey's favorite movies were Brother Bear, Shrek, and Fox and the Hound.
Kelsey had cabbage patch dolls, and she would twirl her fingers in their hair to help her go to sleep.
Kelsey was a very independent little girl. When people would try to help her do something, she'd say "No, I do it."
Kelsey was known as a biter. One of her victims was sometimes a puppy named Mandy. She would proudly go up to her parents and grandparents and say "I bite!"
Kelsey's father, Lance, was a soldier, and Kelsey was very proud of him. She loved telling people about him.
Kelsey was born on December 28, 2002 at 10:00 p.m
When someone would sneeze, Kelsey would say "God Bless You".
When Kelsey needed to get somewhere and someone was in her way, she'd say " 'Scuse me." (Excuse me).
The day before she was killed, Kelsey counted all the way to fourteen. She had never counted that high before.
Kelsey loved to sing and dance in front of people.
If something didn't go the way it was supposed to, she would hit her hand against her forehead and say "Oh man!"
When you did something nice for her, she'd always say "Thank you."
She knew how to use the phone very well. She would have conversations on the phone with her daddy. Sometimes she would talk to him even if he wasn't on the other line.
She would often tell people "Daddy a soldier. My daddy in the army."
Kelsey loved watching The Fox and the Hound. She couldn't say the word 'Fox' very well, so it sounded like the 'F word'!
She loved sitting with people while they read to her. It was her Grandpa Briggs' favorite thing to do.
Kelsey didn't like nap time,
Caylee Marie Anthony.

Caylee Marie Anthony[1] (August 9, 2005 - June 16, 2008) was a toddler who attracted national attention regarding the circumstances of her disappearance in June 2008 and subsequently discovered death. Her mother, Casey Anthony (born March 19, 1986), was indicted on October 14, 2008, for her first-degree murder. Police found Anthony's account of Caylee's disappearance suspicious after learning that Casey had not reported her daughter missing for more than a month; the last time Casey Anthony claimed to have seen Caylee was on June 16, 2008, but the child's disappearance was not reported to police until July 15, 2008. On December 11, 2008, the skeletal remains of Caylee Anthony were found near the Anthony home by a meter reader, later confirmed on December 19, 2008 by the Orange County Medical Examiner to be those of the toddler.[2] The cause of the child's death is listed in the autopsy report as "homicide by undetermined means." Casey Anthony is currently in jail, arrested on first-degree murder charges with a trial start date for some time in 2011. Casey Anthony, her lawyers and her family maintain that she did not harm her child and that she is innocent of all charges
Caylee Anthony was first reported missing to authorities on July 15, 2008. Caylee's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, reportedly called 9-1-1 when her daughter Casey Anthony, Caylee's mother, would not tell her where Caylee had been. Cindy had not seen her granddaughter for weeks and became very alarmed when she admitted that she smelled the odor of a "dead body" in the trunk of Casey's car. Cindy later denied what she said and revised her account, stating that the smell was from old, stale pizza. Police later determined that there was no pizza in the trunk, only an empty pizza box.[3][4][5]
[edit] Investigation
When Detective Yuri Melich questioned Casey Anthony about the whereabouts of her daughter, she stated the child was with a babysitter. The purported babysitter, Zenaida "Zanny" Fernandez-Gonzalez, according to Casey, supposedly had been a caregiver for the child for over two years. When a local woman named Zenaida Gonzalez (not Fernandez-Gonzalez) was questioned by police on July 17, 2008, Gonzalez denied knowing either Casey or Caylee Anthony. When police asked the grandmother Cindy about the babysitter, Cindy said that she had no reason to doubt Casey's account of Fernandez-Gonzalez's caring for Caylee. However, in the nearly three years that Caylee was alive and living at Cindy Anthony's house, neither of Casey's parents nor any of her friends, boyfriends, family, or acquaintances had ever once met the purported babysitter.[6]
From the start of the investigation, Melich had trouble determining the majority of facts of the case. For instance, initially Caylee's grandparents, Cindy and George Anthony, told police that the last time they saw their granddaughter was on June 9, 2008 but authorities found a videotape, taken June 15, 2008, that shows Caylee reading a book. When the grandparents were questioned about the time discrepancy, Cindy Anthony said that she had been confused about the dates and recalled taking Caylee to see Caylee's great-grandfather on Father's Day, June 15, 2008. Cindy Anthony told police that her husband probably went along with the dates because he generally took his wife's word on details.
When Melich began to investigate Casey Anthony, he found discrepancies in what she had told law enforcement in her signed statement. The preponderance of the information Casey gave, starting with the babysitter account, appeared to be false. For example, Casey told police that she currently worked at Universal Studios; when police escorted her to the studio facility, she led them to an office but then admitted that she no longer worked there[7]. Casey also claimed she had been investigating Caylee's disappearance on her own which is why she did not contact police earlier. However, friends and family denied ever having been asked by Casey about Caylee's whereabouts. Numerous photos of Casey attending parties and bars while Caylee was missing were published by media outlets. On the December 10, 2008 episode of Larry King Live, Cindy Anthony said she believed the photos in question were "staged" photos for which Casey was remunerated, apparently for the promotion of a nightclub.
Wikinews has related news: Body of small child found in Orlando, Florida
In July, KioMarie Cruz, Casey Anthony's childhood friend, told local police to investigate the wooded area near Hidden Oaks Elementary School. On August 11, 12, and 13 of 2008, tips were called in to police by a utility worker, subsequently identified as Orange County utility worker, Roy Kronk, but ignored by Richard Cain, a deputy sheriff of Orange County, Florida.[8][9] Caylee's remains were found in a bag, discovered by Kronk, near the same wooded area on Suburban Drive, less than a half-mile from the Anthony residence on Hopespring Drive.
[edit] Arrests and charges
Casey Anthony was arrested for the third time on September 15, 2008, on new charges of theft,[10] and was released shortly afterward.[11]
On October 14, 2008, Casey Anthony was indicted by a grand jury on charges of first-degree murder and was arrested for the fourth time.[12] She entered a plea of not-guilty to the charges that she killed Caylee.[11]
On October 21, 2008, the charges of child neglect were dropped against Casey. In a statement that morning, the State Attorney's Office explained: "The neglect charges were premised on the theory that her child, Caylee Marie, was still alive. As the investigation progressed and it became clear that the evidence proved that the child was deceased, the State sought an indictment on the legally appropriate charges."[13] On April 14, 2009, prosecutors announced that they plan to seek the death penalty in this case.[14] Casey Anthony and her family maintain that she is innocent of all charges.[15]
[edit] Discovery and confirmation of death
Part of the memorial for Caylee Anthony near where her body was foundOn December 11, 2008, skeletal remains of what appeared to be a young child were found by Roy Kronk. It was reported that the skull had duct tape wrapped around it. Documents released to the public on January 21, 2009 determined that the duct tape was over the mouth area of the child's skull and stuck to the hair on either side, and that the duct tape had a small heart shaped area of residue on its surface indicating a heart shaped sticker had at one time been stuck on the surface of the duct tape.[16] [17] On December 12, the remains were tentatively identified as Caylee based on strands of hair found with the remains as well as the age and measurements being a match for Caylee.[18] On December 15, WFTV reported that more bones were found in the wooded area near where the skull was discovered.[19]
On December 19, 2008, medical examiner Dr. "G" Jan Garavaglia confirmed that the remains found were those of Caylee Anthony, the death being ruled a homicide and that she had been killed by undetermined means. No details of the DNA identification testing were given, such as the number of loci matched or the sources used in the match.[8][20][21]
[edit] Publicity
The case attracted a large amount of mainstream media attention, and was regularly the main topic of many talk shows, including those hosted by Greta Van Susteren, Nancy Grace, Geraldo Rivera, and others. It has been featured on Fox's America's Most Wanted,[22] NBC's Dateline, and ABC's 20/20.
The mysterious and still unexplained death of Caylee has been distinguished by an unexplained lack of critical information from Casey Anthony, who was initially charged with child neglect and making false statements to investigators before later being charged with murder. However, while the Anthony grandparents repeatedly called upon the public to search for Caylee in places as far as Texas, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, they also insisted that Casey had been maintaining her silence in order to protect Caylee, and that searches for a dead body were inappropriate.[citation needed]
Casey Anthony's parents, Cindy and George, appeared on the Today show on October 22, 2008. They maintained their belief that Caylee was alive and would be found. Larry Garrison, president of SilverCreek Entertainment, was their spokesman until he resigned in November 2008, citing that he was leaving due to "the Anthony family's erratic behavior." [23]
More than 600 pages of evidence released by the Orange County Sheriff's Department, including hundreds of instant messages between Casey and then-boyfriend Tony Rusciano, have been the subject of increased scrutiny by the media for clues and possible motives in the homicide.[24]
George Anthony was reported missing on January 22, 2009, after he failed to show up for a meeting with his lawyer, Brad Conway. George was found in a Daytona Beach hotel the next day after sending messages to family members threatening suicide. He was taken to Halifax Hospital for psychiatric evaluation[25] and later released.
Commentators have expressed concern that Casey Anthony's right to a fair trial may be jeopardized by all of the pre-trial publicity.[26] Some cases have been successfully appealed based on prejudicial pre-trial publicity.[27] On May 4, 2009, Anthony's attorney Jose Baez filed for a change in venue to Miami-Dade County.[28]
An episode of the popular daytime chat series Dr. Phil covered the case, including the discovery of the body (which had not been confirmed as Caylee Anthony's at the time).
[edit] Evidence
On Friday, October 24, 2008, a forensic report from Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee confirmed results from a DNA test showing "evidence consistent with decomposition" based on five "key" compounds out of over 400 possible found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. DNA samples could not confirm whether the source was alive or dead. The only DNA testing by the FBI was limited to 752 base pairs out of 16,569 base pairs (less than 5% of the mitochondrial genome sequence). Whether or not the decomposition is human is still unknown but indicated as a possibility. The process has not been affirmed by a Daubert Test in the courts.[29]
Traces of chloroform were also found in Casey Anthony's car trunk and evidence was found that someone had searched the Internet on her computer for the use of the chemical and how to make it. No dates of the search were given and they did not establish if the searches were done by Casey.[30] On November 26, 2008, officials released 700 pages of documents related to the Anthony investigation, which included evidence of Google searches of the terms "neck breaking," "how to make chloroform," and "death" on Casey Anthony's home computer. No dates were given as to when the searches were done or by whom.[31]
On February 18, 2009, documents released by the State Attorney's Office in Florida indicated that the same type of laundry bag, duct tape, and plastic bags discovered at the crime scene were found in the house where Casey and Caylee resided. Heart-shaped stickers were also recovered by investigators. A heart-shaped sticker was found on the duct tape that covered the mouth area of Caylee's skull. The documents also indicate that Cindy Anthony stated to them that a Winnie the Pooh blanket was missing from Caylee's bed. This type of blanket was found at the crime scene. An entry from Casey Anthony's diary was also released.[32]
The entry is dated "June 21," and reads:
I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for everything to work out okay. I completely trust my own judgement [sic] & know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means. I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see -- This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time. I hope that my happiness will continue to grow -- I've made new friends that I really like. I've surrounded myself with good people -- I am finally happy. Let's just hope that it doesn't change.[33]
A member of Casey Anthony's defense team, spokeswoman Marti MacKenzie, contends that this entry was written in 2003 prior to the time that Caylee was born. The defense contends that the opposite page has "'03" written in one of the corners as the date, and the handwriting on the two pages match. However, there was no authentication that this is a date, or when it was entered in the diary or by whom. The prosecution acknowledged that it did not know when the entry was made.[34]
Hundreds of pages of evidence were released to the public throughout the case under the Florida "Sunshine Law", and published on the websites of several Orlando, Florida, news stations.
FBI laboratory documents from June 2009, released to the public in September 2009, stated that the fabric of the duct tape found on the remains and the duct tape found on a gas can at the Anthony family home were microscopically dissimilar in fiber composition and not consistent with originating from the same source.[35]
FBI forensics laboratory identified on September 30, 2009 that a blood stain in the shape of a young child in the fetal position was found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car.[36]
FBI documents released to the public in October 2009 indicated that two sources of DNA had been discovered in swabbings taken from the duct tape which was found on Caylee's remains, neither of them Casey Anthony's. One set of DNA, found on the shiny side of the tape, was found to be that of one of the FBI laboratory personnel and unrelated to the case.[citation needed] The other was an incomplete segment of DNA found on the adhesive side of the tape which did not match the DNA of Casey Anthony, her parents, the FBI analyst, or that of Caylee.[37]
Coroners released a statement stating that Caylee has no chemical remains therefore there is no chloroform. [38]
[edit] Civil case
Casey Anthony is being sued for defamation by Zenaida Gonzalez, a 38-year-old Kissimmee mother of six, for damages including punitive. Casey Anthony told investigators that a baby sitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez — also known as "Zanny" — abducted 2-year-old Caylee Marie in June. It was reported that Anthony would be exercising her rights under the Fifth Amendment in response to written questions in the civil case.[39]
caylee anythony was a cute sweet little 2 year old girl,she lived with her gran parents and mum.she was just a baby when she died...
Judith Barsi

Judith barsi was a child actress in the 80s she was abused and murdered by her farther
judith appeared in 3 major movies as thea in jaws the revenge,the voice of ducky in land before time and anne-marie in all dogs go to heaven.judith favourite colours were pink and purple.
Judith Eva Barsi was born on June 6th 1978 was an child actress . She was small in stature and often played characters younger than her actual age.
Judith Barsi was the daughter of Hungarian immigrants József Barsi and Maria Barsi (née Benkő), who had both fled the 1956 soviet occupation of hungary and then emigrated to los angeles,californa shortly before the birth of their daughter. Her mother dreamed of her becoming an actress, as she once made an effort to do so for herself. When Barsi was 5 years old, she was discovered at a skating rink. Looking younger than she was, she was mistaken for a 3-year-old. . the Talent Agency signed her on and she became very succsessful for a child star.Judith spoke fluent Hungarian. When she was with her mother in public, they would speak Hungarian to each other so nobody else would catch on to what they were talking about.
Later in her life, Judith had growth hormone injections to encourage her growth.
As Judith became more famous, her father Jozsef, an alcoholic and unemployed plumber, became increasingly abusive, jealous, and paranoid. He would mentally abuse Judith and once held a knife to her throat while threatening to kill her, because he was convinced that his wife and daughter would leave for a photo shoot or movie shoot and never come back. Judith was taken to a child psychologist after breaking down in front of her agent. The psychologist identified severe mental, physical and emotional abuse, and reported her findings to the authorities. Jozsef would often stay home drunk and refused to let Maria work. The family was on welfare for a brief period until Judith's career started taking off in around 1986. By the time she entered fourth grade, she was earning an estimated $100,000 a year which helped her buy the family a three-bedroom house in the West Hills section of Los Angeles. Jozsef suffered from paranoia and had their house surrounded by a high-fence which could only be opened from inside the house.Whenever one of Judith's television appearances was about to air, Maria and her would make popcorn just before her show came on and sit together on the couch and watch it, if Jozsef wasn't home. If he was, they would watch the program in Judith's room. Judith didn't get too excited over it though; she was more interested in kid stuff.-She liked to play with her dolls and ride her bicycle to her friends' houses Favorite colors were pink and purple. She also loved sunflowers and was learning to knit.
-Maria would bring Judith hot lunch to school almost every day; often times Hungarian dishes -- one of her favorites was duck. Judith also loved macaroni & cheese.
-Maria tried to keep Judith's schooling as normal as possible, even though she had to be away some times. Her favorite subjects were Art & Social Studies; she hated Math & P.E. She attended Nevada Avenue Elementary School of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
-She had a crush on a boy named Kenny.
As a safe heaven, Maria rented an appartment for her and Judith. Maria rarely left Judith alone with Jozsef, because he would abuse Judith both physically & mentally. When she was home alone with Jozsef, Judith tried to spend most of her time outside, either riding bikes with her friends or playing with her dolls out back. In her final months, the abuse was starting to take its toll. In a fit of stress, she yanked out all her eyelashes, and de-whiskered her cat. She also gained a lot of weight.
AS Judith gained weight The case was dropped several months later. Eventuly Jozseph said that they could get a divorce and leave.They packed up and put boxes in the garage but when Jozseph saw the boxes he became enraged and got a gun .
Jozsef remained a recluse and threatened to kill his wife and daughter many times. Child Protective Services was called numerous times, but as Maria was reluctant to press any charges, the case was never followed up. Maria rented an apartment for her daughter and herself as a daytime safe haven away from Jozsef. On July 27, 1988, the bodies of Judith and Maria Barsi were discovered by fire fighters responding to a call from a neighbor reporting a fire at the Barsi house. The date of the murder has never been determined; the police have said that Jozsef could have killed his wife and child on July 25 or July 26. It is believed that, after realizing that Maria was planning to leave him, Jozsef entered Judith's second-floor bedroom and shot her in the head; he then shot Maria in the same way as she ran down the corridor toward her daughter's room. He then drenched the bodies in gasoline and set the house on fire before shooting himself in the garage.
Judith and her mother were buried in an unmarked grave at the Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills Cemetery in Los Angeles. In June 2004, a fund was set up to get headstones for their graves. The fund was spearheaded by Nancy Kelly of Yelm, WA, who had tutored Judith on the set of one of her movies. Judith's marker was placed on August 23, 2004 while one for her mother was placed on January 28, 2005. Future donations will go toward donating Beanie Babies to hospitalized children. Judith's marker reads "Our Concrete Angel - Yep Yep Yep" in reference to a popular song about child abuse and her character Ducky's catchphrase from The Land Before Time. Her mother's marker reads "The wind beneath JEB's (Judith's initials) wings - Yep Yep Yep".
she was 10 when she died .
Judith Eva Barsi was taken from us almost two decades ago, but to people who are just finding out about her, it doesn't seem like that long.
Judith's final three movies were all released after her death. She played Billie in the TV movie "A Family Again," which aired on October 15, 1988; did the voice of Ducky in "The Land Before Time," released November 18, 1988; and was the voice of Anne-Marie in "All Dogs Go to Heaven," released November 17, 1989 (That's not a typo, 1989 is correct). "A Family Again" gave an "In Memory of" credit to Judith.
Jonbenet Ramsey

she was a 6 year old beauty queen who was murdered on 25th december 1996.for no reason what so eve.her killer has never been found and still roams free.
will justice ever come?
was born on August 6th 1990. Born in Georgia, Atlanta she is the second child to John Bennett Ramsey and Patricia [Patsy] Paugh Ramsey. Her siblings are her brother Burke and John had 3 children from his first marriage - John Andrew, Melinda and Elizabeth (Died in a car crash). Her unusual first name came from her fathers given names and her mothers admiration for French names. In 1991 the family moved to Boulder, Colorado. JonBenet like any other six year old loved to play and dance. She was entered into many beauty pageants and won many titles. JonBenet first wanted to be in pageants when she went to a reunion with her mother Patsy who was Miss west Virginia 1977. JonBenet said "Mummy i want to do that" so patsy entered her. The last title she won was Colorado's little miss Christmas in 1996.
JonBenet attended High Peaks Elementary school, She loved going to school and was a very good member of the class. The teacher said JonBenet was very thoughtful, Once a child brought treats for the class but the wasnt enough, It was JonBenet who suggested they cut the treats in half to be fair. JonBenet was also a member of St. John's Episcopal church in Boulder. She attended with her parents John and Patsy.
JonBenet may have only lived for six short years but her life was
happy and full of Joy, Her warm smile proves it.Jonbent was also a tomboy who didnt care about getting her nails dirty,
outside the pageant world jonbent was just like anyother six year old little girl.JonBenet was a blessing to her family right from the start. She was bright, beautiful, talented, and a joy to be around.
When she wasn't competing in pageants she liked to wear jeans-shorts and comfy t-shirts. She liked to listen to adults talk-at night she would sometimes curl up in a big chair and listen to their conversations. She loved kittens and wearing her hair in pigtails! She also liked to hula hoop, play with her dolls, ice skate, dance, and sing, as well as play with her friends. One of her special talents was standing on her head-she could hold this pose for up to half an hour! She loved school, and her best friend's name was Brittany. She also had a dog, Jacques, whom she adored.Wherever she went she left loving memories in people's hearts.
JonBenet was a sweet and fun-loving little girl who loved someone could take that is unbeliviable.
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